First of all most of the people that know me, know that there are very few artists that go into my all-time fav category. MC Lyte, has, is, and always will be my all-time favorite Female MC! My Sister, Sierra Sweet was an Associate Producer at BET for years. Sierra Sweet was a Story Producer for "The Family Crews", Field Story Producer for"College Hill", Story Editor for "DMX: Soul of a Man, "BET Live":Seasons 1 and 2, "OH Drama", and that's just a snapshot of some of the projects she worked on at BET! My big Sis worked on projects at VH1, NBC, and a few other networks over the years, but I digress, lol, that's because we all we got, and I love her! My point is she met many famous artists over the years. In case you didn't know, what you see is what you get with angie Wize. Truly. I've never been starstruck over anyone. I've never been the type of person to swoon or ogle. My hubby played drums on albums with Thara Memory, and his niece is Macy Gray. I have personal access to many people that could turn my music career around with one phone call. I am truly Independent and choose to do things at my pace, and in my way. I've always known my music career can go anywhere I want it to, and at any time I choose. I am very funny, but I typically have a serious demeanor, even when i'm joking. I am a simple person with complexed emotions, lol, but when Sierra told me she met MC Lyte today, I turned into a 13-year-old> aka a complexed person with simple emotions! LOL, it's true! Even she was like, is this Wize? She knows I love Lyte so its cool, but I was sooooo~ excited! I literally jumped up and down! I had tons of questions! Sierra answered them all. She told me MC Lyte was one of the realest Sistas she met in L.A.! Wish I could tell you all the wonderful things I learned about Lyte. I fear beginning because, trust me, there will be no end! Anyway, Lyte is releasing a new album entitled,"LEGEND", and it will only be available on vinyl, and you can buy "LEGEND" one day only. Release date TBA. Gotta Luv Lyte for this! I don't know yet if this one day only and only on vinyl release is a marketing tactic, personal decision, or if its symbolic, but what I do know is that I am so~ getting this Album! Many are buzzing about it, and many are saying she's back. I get what they mean, however, she never left my list of jams. Keeps me some MC Lyte in heavy rotation!
Go check out the video"Check" >MC Lyte "Check"! Aight. I'm proud of myself. Kept it somewhat brief! MC Lyte!!! AAHHH! Now that's an MC! Word From Wize>Be ready to get that Album! If you don't have a record playa go get one! LOL! Here is a link to her site http://www.mclytenow.com/
UPDATE@6:36PM CALI TIME: I WAS ABLE TO PURCHASE IT AT THIS LINK!> http://myhiphopstore-com.myshopify.com/
Photo of MC Lyte by Michael Wong. Link via VH1 Photo collection.