Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm Goin' Into Exile For 2 Weeks! I'm curling up inside of my Music Control Room.

There are so many things happening in Hip Hop News worthy of discussing. So many subjects still uncovered abour music producing, and more. I don't want to go, but I have a new fire lit under me. There are people in the UK, and Japan bumpin' my songs. Truth be tld, it made me cry. I never jknew there was a market outside of America for my stuff.I got to come with some more songs now. I got a letter from a guy in Japan that made me cry ya'll seriously. It was that insightful, encouragig, and timely. I will be back to publish more posts in this blog in a couple of weeks. I hope you all keep your wonderful thoughts pouring in. I resisted the urge to write about Beyonce's latest comment about Lauryn Hill. I think they jes hatin' on her. What she said was taken way out of context. She said she didn't want to end up like Lauryn Hill, and everybody tripped on that. It's stupid. I like Beyonce'. I think she's multi-talented, beautiful, and creative. I just don'y like the "Bootylicious Song" Other thn that,su todo bueno/it's all good! I klnow it's old news now, but tell me, what was your take on her comment? I'll be back.-wize


Anonymous said...

She shouldn't have said that. Her next album sales might not be what she expects. How would she like it if Alicia Keyes said, dang>I aint tryin' to flop like that!??

Anonymous said...

I agree