Tuesday, June 23, 2015

End of an Era in Digital Music: SoundCloud May Be No Longer!

SoundCloud! One of the last places an Indie Artist/Producer could go and showcase and sell their jams without advertisements being riddled all over the place is probably not gonna make it. Sony, UMG, and what's worse; the RIAA (Recording Industry Associaton of America) are blowing the strong winds of copyright infringement, as a result, SoundCloud may dissipate. For years no one really messed with SoundCloud. They had just announced a few days ago that they were going to launch a subscription based service soon. They didn't reach deals with UMG, and Sony, and now all hell is breaking loose. Ya'll know the deal. Piss off the Gods, and they will piss on you! In the Digital Music Industry, Warner Music, UMG, and Sony are Gods! SoundCloud was able to reach an agreement with Warner Music, however, I don't see that being substantial enough to ensure their survival. You might think I'm prematurely saying goodbye to Soundcloud, but think about it>>> THE RIAA HAS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT SUITS AGAINST SOUNDCLOUD TOO! THAT MIGHT AS WELL BE THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS >LOL> IF THE COPYRIGHT OFFICE SAYS YOU VIOLATED >GUESS WHAT? YOU IN VIOLATION! I have mixed emotions about this ya'll.  The Indie Recording Artist in me; nostalgic, free, and rebellious, will miss SoundCloud. The Songwriter, Producer, and Record Label Owner in me says, you stole music, didn't pay people for what they created, and for years no one really challenged you on it. You reap what you sow! Ethically speaking, if you dig in the dirt for years, when the rains come, you're up to your neck in mud! The landscape of Digital Music is changing, still, Sista Wize is rooting for SoundCloud. Sounds funny, but its true. I hope they change up how they do shyt, somehow navigate their way through this storm and remain a place for Indie's to showcase music! LOL I am a complexed person obviously. Right or wrong, SoundCloud is in a special place, and millions of us (artists, producers, and fans ) don't want to see them go out like that! It would mark the end of an era that is sacred to us.

angie Wize